The Limitations of Intersectionality without Unbreakapartable Struggle

The most recent wave of the immigrant rights movement has focused on fighting for and protecting the Dream Act or protection for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients. The Dreamers are promoted as a movement of young Brown Latinx folks coming from Mexico and Central America. This narrative excludes Black immigrants from the Americas and around the globe who face the same challenges as other undocumented folks, and because of anti-black racism in the U.S., experience higher rates of police/ICE contact based on the color of their skin. Here in LA , we saw Black workers being asked to turn out to events supporting immigrants, but rarely asked to speak about being a Black immigrant. The anti-blackness of the immigration and criminal justice systems was viewed as a side issue within the immigration issue as a whole.

Without real intersectional analysis and unbreakapartable struggle, the most marginalized are sacrificed to privilege some folks, leaving the interlocking systems of oppression intact. Many Black and queer organizers have made it clear that we will not participate in campaigns that fail to put forward an analysis and demands that address intersecting oppressions. This has meant there are more organizations and movements experimenting with how to make intersectionality truly meaningful in our movements. These are two examples of how organizations that COiL members participate in are attempting to turn an intersectional analysis into unbreakapartable struggle: Students Deserve and Orange County Immigrant Youth United (OCIYU).

Study Alternatives
COiL Reflections on Emergent Strategy
WTF Happened In The 20th Century?!
A Liberatory Vision
What We Value & Envision
South Africa
1871 Paris Commune
DMSC Sex Workers Union Kolkata, India
The Politics & Principles of LA COiL
A Clear Vision Means We Do Our Work Differently
Making an Intersectional Analysis Central
Anti-Colonialism: A ‘Manly’ Fight?
War an Answer For Violence Against Women?
The Limitations of Intersectionality without Unbreakapartable Struggle #metoo
The Limitations of Intersectionality without Unbreakapartable Struggle DREAMERs
My Struggle is Your Struggle
Pedro Lemebel: A Gay Communist from Chile
Garment Workers Center
2001 Economic Collapse in Argentina
Intersectionality in Action
Combahee River Collective
Students Deserve: LAUSD students lead the fight against a racist and classist school system
Orange County Immigrant Youth United (OCIYU)
The Limitations of Intersectionality without Unbreakapartable Struggle
Horizontalism and a New Kind of Leadership
Ella Baker
Non-Hierarchy in Practice
Non-Hierarchy and Power
Growing Our Work
The Horizontalist Movement We Build Can Build Power